Data Validation Tool- DVT

111a2 Data validation Tool is Data aggregation, manipulation, report generation and presentation tool. Data validation Tool validate the reliability of outstanding reports by Quality Data Flow:
    111a2 Validate Data Sources
    111a2 Data Flow Control: Checkpoints where comparison  of In and Out data is performed

DVT- Advantages/Differentiator

111a2 Reduces Time for Test Execution/Investigation
111a2 Customizable, Keyword Driven
111a2 Easy to Access Data Analysis
111a2 Reusable/Shareable
111a2 Supports data agility
111a2 Identify delta of data or business process output and react on the delta based on preconfigured business logic automatically
111a2 Perform different  ETL-type tasks: Extract data from different  sources, transform it & load into data repository,  such as database, files systems
111a2 Extract data from a data source into application or other data repository
111a2 Carry out a data manipulation, transformation tasks
111a2 Perform rollup, drilldown, and drill-through of the massive amount of data
111a2 Perform business analysis, automatically execute work flow of exception handling
111a2 Generate dashboards  – Executive  summary of status, dataflow diagram, and trace data lineages
111a2 Produce Day-Over-Day,  Regression  testing, Comparison reports
111a2 Schedule system activities
111a2 Automatic notifications & activities’ results